Monday 25 April 2016

Possible Design Tasks


Must include:
  • A title 
  • A main image
  • A slogan
  • Actor's names
  • A release date
  • Credits
  • A colour pallet suitable for the sci-fi genre

DVD Case

Front cover must include:
  • A title
  • A main image
  • A slogan
  • Actor's names
  • A release date
  • Age rating
  • Suitable colour pallet for the sci-fi genre
Back cover must include:
  • Plot summary text
  • Credits
  • Minor images
  • Similar colour pallet to the front


Must include:

  • The film title in the header
  • A main image from the film
  • A video clip from the film/trailer
  • Text about the film
  • Links for; games, chat, events, news, blogs, images and clips
  • Social media links
  • Copyright information in the footer
  • Suitable colour pallet for the sci-fi genre


Must include:
  • Shot numbers
  • Shot duration
  • Sketches of each shot
  • Shot type (e.g. ECU, CU, MCU, M, LS, ELS etc)
  • Camera movement (e.g. zoom in, zoom out, Hitchcock zoom, pan, tilt, tracking etc)
  • Camera angle (e.g. high angle, low angle, eye level, birds eye, worms eye etc)
  • Editing information (e.g. fade to black, fade to white, continuity editing, parallel editing, eye-line match, sound bridge
  • Sound information (e.g. non-diegetic music, diegetic dialogue- quote some, voice over, diegetic ambient sound, sound effects etc)
  • If it's a trailer, put the production company logo in the first box and put the film title and release date in the last box


Each design will earn extra marks if the correct media terminology is used. Good terms to include in an answer are:
  • Star vehicle (main actor)
  • Mise-en-scene 
  • Props
  • Genre conventions
  • Audience appeal
  • Protagonist/antagonist
  • Diegetic/non-diegetic
  • Colour pallet
  • Narrative
  • Genres/sub-genres/hybrid
  • Mainstream/niche audience
  • Representation
  • Ambience

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