Thursday 24 March 2016

Media Mock Exam


On the afternoon of the 11th of March I walked into the exam hall for my first ever attempt at a media exam. I left with 45/60 marks, a solid B. For my actual exam in May, the key things I need to remember are:

  • Make sure both case studies are very detailed
  • When describing the pitch of your own movie, explain the sci-fi link at the start
  • Explain the appeal of your movie
  • Include the release date and colour on poster for own movie
  • Outline advantages of advertising techniques
  • Include details of where and when trailer for own movie may be released
  • Start preparing a day before, not on the day!!
  • Think of a title and slogan for own movie before walking in to the exam 
  • Thoroughly research any details that may be necessary for the two case studies in the exam 
  • Make sure you have actors/actresses for own movie in mind
  • Use media language

Sci-fi pitch ideas

I want my sci-fi film to be capable of relating to a large variety of people, by using ideas from real life
issues modern people suffer. Bullying and racism is still a big issue in today's society, as some people still enjoy discriminating against others they deem as 'different' and 'inferior' to them. My sci-fi film will cover these aspects, with an alien joining a new school- where everyone else is a human. Some people believe that history is doomed to repeat itself, as it will in my sci-fi movie. Just like black people had to suffer prejudice and hatred for centuries, this movie shows aliens going through it too. For anyone who's had to endure anything similar to this will be able to relate to my character. One convention of a sci-fi film is that there tends to be a hero team- my alien's small group of friends who actually accept him for who he is. To help stick the sci-fi genre I'll set it in a futuristic world, with flying cars, holograms etc.